Fartygsbefäl klass 8
Båttur med Björn Fotograf
Följ med på båttur!
Björn Fotograf är Fartygsbefäl klass 8 och är licensierad att köra upp till 12 passagerare.
Jag gör båtturer till skärgården eller i Mälaren, med eller utan kamera. Det är en liten Flipper 640 från 1983, som följer alla säkerhetsföreskrifter för att köra kommersiellt. Du behöver bara tänka vad du vill ta med att äta, så sköter jag resten.
Det är så härligt till sjöss, att jag inte kan låta bli! Ännu roligare blir det med passagerare.
Det började med att vi hyrde ut vår lägenhet, och turisterna som kom ville ha en privat båttur, det blev så uppskattat att jag utbildade mig. Det är ju ett krav när man kör kommersiellt.
- När du bokar, avsätter jag tid för er båttur och tackar nej till annat. Du får boka om utan kostnad, men bokningsavgiften betalas inte tillbaka.
- Debitering sker innan ni lämnar båten.
- The rate is payed before you leave the boat.
Stockholm Archipelago & City Boat Tours
Båtturer för mindre sällskap med egen kapten
Photosession optional!
- Captain is Corona vaccinated
- Maximum of 5 passengers (infants not included).
- Choose your point of pick-up
- Free to cancel up to three hours ahead
- Bring your own pick-nick!

BoatTour - Stockholm Mälaren
Gör en mysig båttur! Tag med dina föräldrar, familjen eller din dejt på en mysig tur på glittrande vågor!

BoatTour - Skärgård
Boka en härlig skärgårdstur! Med eller utan fotosession.

BoutTour - Dejt
Tag med din dejt eller partner på en romantisk båttur!
Boat info
The boat is called Irini which is a greek word for peece. Irini´s call signal is SFE-4236 ”Sierra Foxtrot Echo – four two three six” She was built in Finland as early as 1986 and the model is one of the most common motorboats in Sweden and Finland. Maximum speed is 30 knots Irini is a vintage boat, with modern safety. She only consumes about 0,8 liters of petrol at about 20 knots and saves the environment compared to these heavy and high powered RIB-boats. Its a good thing for the planet and also for setting the price. Most often we can offer a archipelago tour for 30-60% lower prices than other hi-cost companies. With that comes a little patina, but the experience or safety is never compromised.
How to book
Book your trip online through the contact form. Select your slot and pay the booking fee. You can rescedule and cancel, but the booking fee is not returned as it blocks the scedule.
Dress acording to the weather. At springtime, the sea might be cold and extra warm clothing is necessary. The boat carries blankets to borrow, just in case.
Life vests are provided
At all times, wear the life vest. Land might be further away than it appears.
No smoking
As the boat carry gasoline, smoking onboard is forbidden. This also apply if we stop for gas.
About Me
My name is Björn. I run this bout tour service alongside with my portrait photography studio; called Björn Fotograf. My boat is just a short walk away from the studio and it rides the waves at Bergsundstrand. Already at 16 years of age, I studied to be a skipper and over the years I have done a lot of boating in Stockholm Mälaren and Stockholm Arcipelago. I am licenced and trained to be your professional skipper, and I do it with heart and compassion. For me the sea is air and life. It is stillness and action. The beauty of Stockholm and it´s waterways is breathtaking and it fills my heart.
VHF radio for safety
Our ship carries an easy to use VHF station. In case of an emergency, any passenger can press the distress button. When pressed, Sweden rescue will be notified with an digital May-Day and position. You can then speak into the microphone to explain the situation. First hand, the skipper would make the distress call. But if nessecery, any passages is allowed, if the situation is life threatning. It is also possible to contact Sweden rescue to get medical advise in an distress situation. Sweden Rescue is Swedens JRCC, Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre. The VHF radio can also help us communicate with other boats and ships. Most common to clearify intentions, not to collide. With our small motorboat, manouvering to avoid collisions is very easy.
Life Raft
Our boat is eqipped with an Sea-Safe Pro Light ISO 9650-1 Life Raft. SOLAS approved light both internally and externally SOLAS reflexes 4 x 30 liter water pockets Drive anchor with rope Inflatable boarding ramp Veins, Hand flash Parachute rockets, Flashlight Whistle Signal card Knife Sea sickness tablets Throw line (30m) Hand pump Wish Sponge Repair kit Signal mirror Sea sickness bag Emergency signal card.
Fire extinguisher
Our ship carries an outboard motor, minimizing the risk of engine fire. Even so, an powder extinguisher is placed on board. Capable of extinguishing fires of category A, B and C. Please refer to operations here, if you are prompted to use the fire extinguisher:
Fire blanket
Our boat has an fire blanket onboard. The fire blanket is very effective, please review the video. We will never make fire onboard the boat and smoking is not allowed.
First aid kit
Antacid soda Lidocaine ointment 5% Meklozin pill. 25mg 2-3 Sodium chloride eye fluid Paracetamol Pill. 500mg 1 Tie elastic 2 Blood Stopper 3 Cotton / Cotton Rondeller Burn injuries Surgeon tape e.g. Micro pore Compress sterile (7x10cm) Patch quick-release kind. Tweezers Stick Scissors surgically pointed / blunt Eye rinse cup, multiple times First Aid Brochure Guidance Brochure for hypothermia
Björn is a member of Sjöräddningssällskapet. Sjöräddningssällskapet performs about 70% of all maritime rescue operations in Stockholm. Never further away than a phone call or communication through VHF-radio.
Photographer and Licenced captain
Björn Fotograf är Fartygsbefäl klass 8 och är licensierad att köra passagerare.
Jag gör båtturer till skärgården eller i Mälaren, med eller utan kamera. Det är en liten Flipper 640 från 1983, som följer alla säkerhetsföreskrifter för att köra kommersiellt. Du behöver bara tänka vad du vill ta med att äta, så sköter jag resten.
Det är så härligt till sjöss, att jag inte kan låta bli! Ännu roligare blir det med passagerare.
Det började med att vi hyrde ut vår lägenhet, och turisterna som kom ville ha en privat båttur, det blev så uppskattat att jag utbildade mig. Det är ju ett krav när man kör kommersiellt.
Map Stockholm Arcipelago
Karta Stockholm Skärgård
& City Boat Tours
Stockholm Archipelago
Cruise Stockholm Archipelago the way Stockholmers do it, by a small private boat!